Marston Road
Client: bpha
Dates: 2018-2022
Services: Planning, Construction
A site that was formerly part of the Millbrook proving grounds secured outline planning permission for up to 40 residential dwellings in 2017. Avebury subsequently took the scheme through to full reserved matters approval for a 100% affordable scheme, including a variation of condition application to change the approved access.
The scheme was technically complex due to steep level changes across the site, and several iterations of the masterplan were produced to create a design that minimised the amount of cut and fill required.
As the outline scheme was secured on appeal, extra care and attention was required with the reserved matters design to ensure it was of a high quality and enchanced the development's setting within the village. Particular focus was given to the integration of a high quality landscaping design throughout the development.
Close collaboration with the wider design team, including a focus on landscape design and technical input from the appointed contractor meant that planning was secured on a scheme which was well designed and within budget.